Upcoming events
2025 Summer Camp
Tumbling | Dance | Outdoor Games | Water Games | Stunts | CraftsWeeks Available:
June 2-6 | July 7-11 | July 14-18Now enrolling ages 5 and up
6:00-9:30 PM
Join us the last Friday of every month for Open Gym.
Learn a dance with our staff.$25 Pre-Registration/$30 At The Door
Who We Are
“We appreciate everything you, your family, and the staff do for Cheer Passion. Today’s showcase was the most amazing showcase yet and was so professionally done. We had several friends come, and they were all blown away! Seriously, Amazing Job! YOU are the Rockstar Visionary making the cogs work together for a wonderful program we are proud to belong to and share with others! We love Cheer Passion!”
~2023-24 Sapphire and Shimmer Parent
“The staff is super friendly. They make me feel safe, my daughter feel safe and everyone is really GENUINE. That’s super important to us. Never fake feeling- super genuine and like a family”
~2021-22 Cheerleader Parent
“We love Cheer Passion and what you're doing with these girls. This is a great program and we enjoy being a part of it. Keep up the work! You're doing a fabulous job!”
~2020-21 Cheerleader Parent
“I think Cheer Passion has gone above and beyond trying to make the girls feel special and I appreciate that so much. I feel like it is such an added bonus to make her feel like she is special and appreciated in everything that she does with the team. I have been thoroughly blessed in joining this program. One thing I would like to add is a huge thank you for not putting excessive pressure on the girl's to be perfect or to not make mistakes. This is my daughter’s first year and you have really made her feel like she's coming along, that you appreciate all her effort and just the fact that you aren't forcing perfection...yet. It is nice because they are still young and very impressionable. You are raising our girls to do their best and be confident and know that mistakes happen but they can still grow. Thank you so much for instilling that in our girls!”
~2020-21 Cheerleader Parent
“Sharing faith with the girls is HUGE for me. HUGE. So, anytime there is a teaching opportunity of Faith over Fear, KINDNESS, STANDING UP for someone who may be quiet or in a position where they can’t stand up for themselves, and doing the RIGHT thing by GOD when you mess up even if others around you pressure you to 'cover-up'....just reminding them GOD sees your heart, struggle, and won't leave you alone EVER. Really any concept that keeps them FAITH STRONG FIRST I am such a huge advocate for! The papers sent home have been shared in our devotional time and I've even passed onto others. So, thank you!”
~2020-21 Cheerleader Parent